Thursday, May 31, 2007

Carnival of Space #5: Amazing Space

Carnival of Space #5 is up today at Why Homeschool, and Henry Cates has collected a suitably amazing range of posts under the theme "amazing space." I especially liked Clark Lindsey's proposal for web-based "remote space tourists" and Babe in the Universe's post on an ISDC announcement from Benson Aerospace. Robot Guy's "Why do space at all?" looks good too, but it's a bit long so I've printed it to read later.

I also attended ISDC 2007 last weekend, and since I will be hosting Carnival of Space #6 next week, I've decided to make ISDC the theme, although non-ISDC posts will also be welcome. If you have something you'd like me to include next week, please follow the guidelines here to submit your post (the space carnival email address is forwarded to the carnival host each week).

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