Friday, June 08, 2007

Nominal = Awesome

I hate it when I'm so busy with simulated space stuff that I miss a real launch. I watched some STS-117 replays a few minutes after the fact, and it was a really nice launch. It was pretty much "nominal" all the way (NASA for "awesome"), judging from the fact that several questions at the post-launch press briefing on NASA TV related to "so what do think about when you don't have problems to worry about?"

Meanwhile I have some really cool scenarios set up for kids of all ages to play with at Space Expo 2007 at NEAM tomorrow. Only 14 test-flight slots (20 minutes each), so if you come to the event, be sure to sign up early.


FrankS said...

Hi Bruce...Greetings again from everyone at Marsdrive. I heard that there was damage to the thermal blanket actually. I hope they get it fixed. You can find a picture of it here-

"STS-117 current has four anomolies. Two are already clear.

1) MLS issue

2) ECO issue

3) BITE issue (finding out what that's about).

4) The OMS Pod TPS."

FlyingSinger said...

Hi Frank,
I guess that's the problem with hearing the early returns (NASA post launch press briefing) and then going to bed for an early event Saturday. It sounds like NASA is not too worried about the blanket as of this evening. Hope they can get everything fixed, but there's time and lots of ways to evaluate stuff these days.