Monday, September 01, 2008


So far Glasgow seems like a pretty nice city. I’ve only explored the area around Glasgow Caledonian University which is hosting the conference I’m attending this week. I arrived this morning in heavy rain, but by early afternoon it had gotten sunny and I spent some time walking around after lunch. I wish I had some pictures of my own to show, but the digital camera I bought at the last minute (long story) doesn’t work. I bought a couple of cheapo disposable film cameras and but I won’t know the results for a while, a rather retro experience in the digital gratification era.

I always explore bookstores, even in Germany, Taiwan, and Japan, but the nice thing about UK bookshops is I can actually read the books and magazines. I spent some time in Borders (I know, that’s American, but the books are different) and in Waterstones, a UK stalwart. I like the fact that there’s a magazine here called Spaceflight, and I bought the September issue. Serendipity struck in the science section with the late Ernst Mayr’s 2001 book What Evolution Is. This has put Tom Kelly’s LM book on temporary hold, and three chapters in, I really like it. More later, probably. Most of those three chapters were read this evening over a couple of pints of Guinness in a nearby Irish pub, so I’m ready to call it a long jet-lagged day.

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