Friday, May 12, 2006

Mars Labels and Clouds (Orbiter 2006)

Mars North Pole with Labels
Feast or famine - three posts in one day? Maybe if I type fast (almost midnight).

Mars gets some really nice treatment in Orbiter 2006. Thanks to Seth Hollingsead (Iceversaka), the hi-res distribution offers amazing (but gigantic) level 10 Mars textures, as well as a standard level 8 with a level 10 area around Olympus Mons (I think he now has a level 9 as well, check his web site). Even the level 8 is quite nice, and with the addition of a large set of configurable surface feature labels (Control-F9), you can get to know Mars as you fly around in Orbiter.

There are no clouds by default, but VF2_Rolf has some great cloud textures (especially #5) that work with Orbiter 2006 with just a small configuration file fix (available on his site). They make subtle but noticeable difference in the realism of Mars. Thanks to Seth and VF2_Rolf for making Mars a nicer place to visit in Orbiter 2006!

North pole shown with labels - more new Mars pix on Flickr.

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