Thursday, July 31, 2008

Supporting Obama

One last post for the month, another rare political post...

As I've mentioned a couple of times before, I'm supporting Barack Obama for president. I've been contributing regularly to the campaign because I believe this election is really important and that Obama has the potential to finally lead America back into the world community and into the twenty-first century. The challenges are great and I have no illusions that Obama is something magical, "the One" or whatever. But I've read his books and studied his positions. He's real. He's smart. He's practical. He cares. He knows he can't do it alone, and he will build a great team. He actually gets it. And McCain is clueless.

If you're an American and you are undecided, or if you don't know much about Obama - please take some time and learn about him and what he represents. Learn about McCain too. And if you support Obama, contribute to the campaign if you can. This truly is about the future, and it's important. Thanks.

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